Quantification Using Group-Based Response Factors

What's New in 2024R1

Version 2024R1 introduces a suite of new features for quantification workflows with group-based response factors, and provides an improved solution for:

Ready to try? Follow the main steps below.

Step 1: Create Calibration Tables from Existing Response Factors

  1. Prepare a CSV or Excel response factor table with three columns, Name, RF, Group Name, as shown below:

    Response Factor Table

  2. Quantification > New Calibration from Response Factor Table > select the table file and assign columns, as shown below:

    Import Response Factor Table

  3. Then, save it to a .gccm calibration table file.

Step 2: Configure Quantification

  1. Open a processed chromatographic image with included graphics of targeted groups.

    Image with Included Graphics

  2. Quantification > Load Calibration, and choose the saved .gccm file.

  3. Configure > Blob Table > add Amount and Amount Percent > open Blob Table

    Blob Table

  4. Configure > Blob Set Table > add Amount and Amount Percent > open Blob Set Table

    Blob Set Table

Specify Default Response Factor

If there are some blobs not in any group, but they still need to be counted in total, the Default Response Factor may be specified in the calibration table, as shown below:

Calibration Table with Default Response Factor

, which will result in a Blob Set Table like below:

Blob Set Table with Residual Group

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