GC IMAGE - GC Image GCxGC Edition - User Guide 2024R3
New Features and Improvements in Release 2.4
GC Image GCxGC Edition Release 2.4 (September 2013) has many new features and improvements.
See the GC Image GCxGC Edition User Guide for full documentation.
GC Image GCxGC Edition Release 2.4 requires Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 or
later operating system. GC Image GCxGC Edition Release 2.4 (64-bit) requires a 64-bit
Windows operating system. For Agilent MassHunter or JEOL AccuTOF users, the software
requires Microsoft .Net Framework 4.0 or later.
64-bit Support
GC Image R2.4 has a 64-bit version that can take advantage of the full
memory space provided a 64-bit Windows operating system and can handle very large
data sets.
New and Improved Operations and I/O Support for HRMS and MS/MS
GC Image R2.4 has new and improved I/O facilities for
high-resolution MS and MS/MS data, including:
- Exporting and importing mass calibration settings with other configurations.
- Working with profile spectra in JEOL AccuTOF 4G data files.
- Supporting multiple MS/MS scan groups through interpolation.
- Supporting mixed Profile and MS/MS scan groups.
- Supporting MS/MS data files acquired with Shimadzu GCMSsolution.
- Improved mzXML and mzData readers with MS/MS support.
Support for HRMS and MS/MS data is provided only in the HRMS Edition software.
New and Improved Operations with CLIC Expression
GC Image R2.4 expands the Auto CLIC feature to support more
constraints. When adding blobs to a template, the software can automatically generates
Qualifier CLIC based on retention times, linear retention indices, spectral match
factors and reverse match factors. In addition, the software introduces several
new built-in CLIC functions,
- LRI(1|2), that returns the retention index of a pixel or a blob apex if
linear retention index calibration is configured.
- IDOf("< name >", BLOB|AREA), that returns the id of a blob or area object with the specified name.
- FeatureAtArea(id, "< feature >"), that allows access to computed attributes of other area objects.
- HasMS(), that tests if spectral data are available.
- Logical functions: IF(), NOT(), OR(), AND().
- STRMatch(pattern, string), that tests if a string matches with the specified wildcard pattern.
- A more complete set of math functions.
Also, CLIC Calculator's key pad has two new buttons, Space and Comma.
New and Improved Operations in Image Investigator™
Image Investigator in GC Image R2.4 supports:
New and Improved Operations with Methods
Methods in GC Image R2.4 supports:
New and Improved Slice Report (SIMDIS)
Slice Report in GC Image R2.4 supports:
- Sorting region-based groups by ID, name, or description.
- Sample chromatogram as a part of a slice report.
- Region-based group table with names and descriptions as a part of a slice report.
New and Improved I/O Support
GC Image R2.4 has new and improved I/O facilities, including:
- Support for selecting positive/negative polarity when importing MassHunter data
- Support for selecting a data channel when importing MassHunter data files acquired
with multiple detectors.
- Support for DANI's .TOF files.
- Support for Shimadzu LCD files (The support is experimental and requires Shimadzu LCMSsolution Version 3 installed).
- Displaying correct retention times for chromatograms cropped at importing.
Also, GC Image R2.4 can import and display chromatograms acquired with variable modulation.
The feature of variable modulation is experimental and should be used with caution.
New and Improved Operations
GC Image R2.4 has many new and improved operations, including:
Also, the software has several new and enhanced features for user support, including:
Next: Introduction
GC Image™ GCxGC Edition User Guide © 2001–2013
by GC Image, LLC, and the University of Nebraska.