Version 2020R2 Now Available

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Version 2020R2 Now Available

Post by cheble »

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2020 Release 2 (v2020r2) for GC Image and LC Image. This latest version includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes over previous 2020 releases.

What's New: (for GCxGC, for LCxLC)
  • New and Improved Support of Background Subtraction for Batch Processing
  • New Improvements for Method Usage
  • Improved Viewing and Exporting for Spectral Data
Bug Fixes:
  • Method - New Method from Current Image added a Shift Phase step if the image was imported by cropping Column II dimension
  • Method - Set Configuration in Project caused an exception
  • I/O - Import/Process Runs > Automated Actions > Browse using a relative path initialized file browser with invalid path
  • I/O - Export/import image as Text MS for blobs lost m/z precision
  • I/O - Importing JEOL .7if data files failed with exception
  • I/O - Import with pixel parameter showed error message for the unrelated Variable Modulation table
  • I/O - Cancel button was enabled although interpolation during import cannot be canceled
  • HRMS - Export Profile to Centroid caused an exception when profile path was invalid
  • HRMS - Failed to update Pulse Calibration if the chromatogram was not baseline corrected
  • License - Activating a USB license key with an expired activation code reported a success
  • License - USB license key validation failed from 12AM-1AM during DST
  • Processing - Extract Ion Peaks on image with phase shift caused an exception
  • Investigator - Common compounds with high-res spectra were not found even with a very low spectral match threshold
  • Project - Auto Process did not save the processing log txt file any more
  • Help - Memory Monitor showed incorrect memory usage numbers over 2GB
  • Misc - The update message showed the wrong edition with multiple editions installed
Previous Releases: Downloads: