Plugin: Sequence - Calibration Amount Level Extractor

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Plugin: Sequence - Calibration Amount Level Extractor

Post by geschd23 »

The Sequence - Calibration Amount Level Extractor plugin is a valuable tool for the Project app that streamlines the process of populating the amount table. Specifically designed to work with the JSB TPH Analyzer, this plugin leverages the customized Vial Calibration Level column within a sequence table to rapidly generate the necessary amount data.


The plugin requires v2020 or later.
  1. Download here: Sequence - Calibration Amount Level Extractor plugin
  2. Unzip using File Explorer or another application.
  3. Start the Project app.
  4. From the menu, select Tools > Manage Plugins...
  5. Import the SequenceAmountExtractor.plugin folder.
  1. Open the Project app.
  2. Select File > New Project > Empty Project to create a new project.
  3. Select the Sequences folder node.
  4. Create the sequence for your vials. Use the Import Table to select a sequence csv table which contains your vial calibration levels.
  5. Include a column named Calibration Level in your sequence table. If not imported, use the Add Attribute button and update the column values for each vial.
  6. From the menu, select Tools > Sequence - Calibration Amount Level Extractor to open the plugin tool.
  7. From the plugin tool, enter the Compound Name. The Amounts will be prefilled for each vial based on the sequence table.
  8. Click OK to add the compound and amounts to the vial amount tables.
  9. Once complete, the vial amount tables will be ready to be used with the Amount Calibration.
