GC IMAGE - GC Image LCxLC Edition - User Guide 2024R2

New Features and Improvements in Version 2021

GC Image LCxLC Edition 2021 has many new features and improvements. See the GC Image LCxLC Edition User Guide for full documentation.

What's New in Version 2021 Release 3 (July 2022)

New and Improved I/O Support

Version 2021R3 has the following improvements for file input and output, including:

New and Improved Quantification Support with Multipliers and Dilution Factors

Version 2021R3 now supports calculating concentration from amount with Multiplier and Dilution Factor. New Concentration and Relative Concentration attributes can be added to the Blob Table and included in reports, similarly to the existing Amount attributes. Newly added supporting operations include:

Amount Table with Multiplier and Dilution Factor in Project

In addition, the software has related improvements for batch processing, including:

New and Improved Operations and Interface for Editing Projects

Version 2021R3 includes usability improvements for editing projects in LC Project, including:

Improved Operations and Performance for Multi-Sample Analysis

Version 2021R3 adds further improvements for multi-sample analysis with Investigator, including:

What's New in Version 2021 Release 2 (March 2022)

New and Improved I/O Support

Version 2021R2 has the following improvements for file input and output, including:

New and Improved 1D Visualization

Version 2021R2 has new improvements for the 1D View display, including:

1D View Show Blobs

New Peak Detection Algorithms for Variable Modulation and Heartcutting data

Version 2021R2 adds further improvements for blob detection. The software now includes new peak detection algorithms suited for detection on variable modulation and heartcutting data. These algorithms will perform smoothing and detect wrap-around blobs correctly at the modulation region bounds. These algorithms can be enabled with the Use the Variable Modulation-Aware Detection Algorithm option, and include additional improvements:

New Improvements for Batch Reprocessing and Project Management

Version 2021R2 includes new improvements for batch processing and project management including:

LC Project Reprocess Images

Other New Improvements

Version 2021R2 has other improved operations, including:

What's New in Version 2021 Release 1 (October 2021)

New and Improved Support for Agilent 2D-LC Data

Version 2021R1 has expanded the Agilent 2D-LC support to the 2D-LC data files from Agilent MassHunter 11 and Agilent OpenLab CDS 2.6. Additionally, 2D-LC import has been improved to match the cut start and end samples of 2D chromatogram displayed in the Agilent OpenLab software.

New and Improved I/O Support

Version 2021R1 has new I/O improvements, including:

In addition, the software has new I/O improvements for batch processing, including:

New Hybrid Blob Detection Algorithm for Improved Handling of Split and Shoulder Peaks

Version 2021R1 introduces a new Hybrid blob detection algorithm that takes advantage of both 1D and 2D peak shapes. The new algorithm:

Hybrid Blob Detection

In addition, The various Blob Detection settings panes, (Configuration, Interactive, Local, Detect/Edit Blobs Mode), have been updated to use a consistent layout and labels. Also, user input validation have been made consistent. For example, the user now can turn off smoothing by specifying 0 as smoothing factors in all places.

Other New Improvements

Version 2021R1 has other improved operations, including: