GC IMAGE - User Guide 2024R3

New Features and Improvements in Version 2022

GC Image 2022 has many new features and improvements. See the GC Image User Guide for full documentation.

What's New in Version 2022 Release 3 (September 2023)

Support for NIST 2023 Mass Spectral Library and Search Software

Version 2022R3 introduces support for the latest NIST 2023 Mass Spectral Library and Search software. It also includes the following improvements to make library search operations with NIST work more smoothly:

Support for New NIST Library Search Types

Version 2022R3 has support for new library search types:

New MS/MS Identity and MS/MS Hybrid Similarity Search Options

New Class-based Multi-Sample Alignment Workflow and Other Investigator Improvements

Version 2022R3 adds a new workflow for performing multi-sample alignment with Auto Feature in Investigator. The new Class-based workflow first performs pairwise matchings between all pairs of runs within each specified class. Then, for each class, all class runs are aligned and summed into class cumulative images. Finally, the class cumulative images are matched, aligned, and summed into a single cumulative image. If classes are available, this workflow is generally faster and may produce a better alignment than the existing Complete workflow which performs pairwise matchings between all pairs of runs.

With the new workflow, Version 2022R3 introduces a new Auto Feature interface with the following new options:

Using a Class-based Auto Feature Workflow

Additionally, Version 2022R3 includes the following improvements for Investigator to make managing class assignment and images easier:

Improved Performance for Template Matching and Multi-Sample Alignment

Version 2022R3 includes significant performance optimizations for several operations:

Other New Improvements

Version 2022R3 has other improved operations, including:

What's New in Version 2022 Release 2 (May 2023)

Improved Mesh Creation and Editing Support for Group Type Analysis

Version 2022R2 brings improved support that makes comprehensive group analysis with mesh templates (such as ASTM D8396 and UOP-990) more efficient. It introduces the following new improvements for mesh creation and editing in both graphics and template modes:

Right-click menu for editing meshes

Improved Support for Comparing Chromatograms with Different Acquisition Conditions and Marker Validation

Version 2022R2 has new improvements for the Compare Images (Side-by-Side) tool, including:

New and Improved Support for Batch Processing

Version 2022R2 has new improvements for batch processing with Project, including:

In addition, the software now minimizes interruptions from progress dialogs when performing processing in the background with Project, Investigator, and Command Line.

New Usability Improvements for Investigator

Version 2022R2 has new improvements for Investigator, including:

What's New in Version 2022 Release 1 (November 2022)

Full Centroiding Support for Importing Profile MS Data

Version 2022R1 now supports the Convert Profile Data to Centroid option for importing all profile MS data files, including the newly supported:

, in addition to Thermo raw data files (.raw) and JEOL GCv profile data files (.RPC). When the option is selected, profile spectra are centroided before being imported.

Convert Profile Data to Centroid at Import

New and Improved Excel Workbook File Support for Data Processing and Reporting

Version 2022R1 can now import Excel .xls/.xlsx files in several places that previously only supported CSV files, including:

In addition, the software now saves the .xlsx Excel Workbook format instead of the old .xls format for the supported reports.

New and Improved Functionality for Compare Chromatograms Side-by-Side

Version 2022R1 has new improvements for the Compare Images (Side-by-Side) tool, including:

The updated Side-by-Side Compare Tool

Improved and Redesigned Interface for Investigator

Version 2022R1 updates and improves the Investigator interface content and layout. Tabs are now organized based on the analysis workflow actions they are associated with. The overview header and the Data tab are always visible, and provide information on the data files currently loaded into the open Analysis. New tabs can be opened by performing the analysis workflow actions accessible on the toolbar on the upper right. The currently available actions are:

The redesigned Investigator interface

Additionally, the following new information has been added to the Investigator interface:

Improved Interface for Finding Common and Unique Compounds

Version 2022R1 updates and improves the Find Compounds tool in Investigator. The tool now has a better interface to make inspecting compounds of interest easier. Selecting a compound will now display detailed compound information directly in a preview tab, with the option to open multiple tabs for faster comparison and review.

The new Compound Finder interface

Other New Improvements

Version 2022R1 has other improved operations, including: