Version 2024R1 Now Available

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Version 2024R1 Now Available

Post by geschd23 »

We are pleased to announce the release of Version 2024 Release 1 (v2024r1) for GC Image and LC Image. This latest version includes new features, improvements, and bug fixes over previous releases.

What's New: (for GCxGC, for LCxLC)
  • Improved Reliability and Performance for Importing Shimadzu Data Files
  • Enhanced Quantification with Group-Based Response Factors
  • Enhanced Boiling Range Distribution Analysis with Slice Reports (GCxGC Editions)
  • Enhanced Side-by-Side Chromatogram Comparison
  • Improved Multi-Sample Alignment Workflow
  • Simplified Multi-Sample Comparison with New Compound Finder Algorithm and Enhanced Spectra View
  • Improved Window Management
Bug Fixes:
  • I/O - Import CSV would, in some cases, read in the BOM as an invisible character for the first value
  • View - MS Cube and 3D View would crash the whole program when running in a virtual machine
  • View - 1D View > Static's Unit option label was incorrect for Column II projections
  • Library Search - NIST's AUTOIMP.MSD backup was not restored after interactive search, which could break third-party software connections with the NIST MS Search program
  • Quantification - Importing a CSV calibration table did not show underlying exception message for fatal I/O error
  • Quantification - The Calibrant Name change could be lost if selecting another calibrant in Calibration Table
  • Report - Export XLSX with colorized rows lost decimal formatting
  • Report - Export XLSX with colorized rows would use a limited color palette for cell colors
  • Report - An uncaught exception would be thrown when generating a Slice report with out-of-bound custom mass percent slices
  • Report - Slice reports would fail to generate for images with variable modulation
  • Project - Slice Report option dialog had excessive width if the specified custom slice list was long
  • Project - Others Folder file browser did not overwrite existing files even if confirmed
  • CLI - Command line would hang on large outputs