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Support for v2.9 or older versions has ended

Posted: September 1st, 2022, 9:57 am
by qtao
With the release of v2022r1, v2.9 or older versions have reached end-of-life. We are here to provide the information and tips you need for preparing this change.

What does end-of-life mean?
The end-of-life for the version means that GC Image will no longer provide solutions for any problems related to the compatibility with future updates of the Windows operating system, fatal crash, security, performance, and installation; and will not guarantee providing any bug fixes, workarounds, methods, plugins, tutorials etc. that are compatible with EOL versions.

Why will the support for v2.9 or older versions end?
v2.9 or older versions were built and tested with a now outdated framework on Windows 7 or older systems. But, Microsoft ended the support for Windows 7 in January 2020. It became less and less feasible for us to support older systems. For better compatibility and support, we have introduced a new 64-bit framework with v2020r1 since July 2020. This upgraded framework provides improved performance and system stability for all operations, and allows us to continue develop, test, and support the software on the latest Windows systems.

Will v2.9 or older versions stop working?
No, your v2.9 or older versions will continue working as-is. But, we cannot guarantee that they will continue to work for future Windows updates.

What can I do now?
We recommend upgrading to current versions. You may check the release notes of recent versions since v2.9: for GCxGC, for LCxLC.

Note that we are changing the pricing for the upgrade and support plans to better reflect the value each version added. The prices for upgrading v2.9 or older versions may increase after v2022r1 is released.