GC Image 2.8b2 Beta Now Available for Registered Users

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GC Image 2.8b2 Beta Now Available for Registered Users

Post by qtao »

We are pleased to provide early access to Version 2.8b2 Beta of GC Image and LC Image for public testing. This beta release includes bug fixes, and new features and improvements. The new features are considered stable but may have known problems that will be fixed in the final release.

What's New:

New Support of Pulse Calibration for Centroid Data
Pulse Calibration can now be used to calibrate either centroid spectra or profile data.

New and Improved Support of Custom Attributes for Peak and Sample
Custom attributes can now be specified in the Description field of a blob or an area using the JSON format.
  • A new CUSTOMATTRIBUTE("Attribute Name") CLIC function can retrieve custom attribute values to be used in Blob Table for calculation and reporting.
Template - Import Compound List is enhanced to import both built-in and custom attributes from external sources including:
  • Support importing Group Name and Reference MS fields;
  • Support importing Retention I and II in either Minutes, Seconds, or Pixels;
  • Support importing multiple custom attributes to the Description field
Also, custom attributes for a sample can be added to a Sequence Table in Project, and automatically imported into Image Attributes during auto processing.
  • A new MISCIMAGEATTRIBUTE("Attribute Name") CLIC function can retrieve custom attribute values from the miscellaneous Image Attributes table to be used in Blob Table for calculation and reporting.
Improved Matching and Alignment Support
  • Register Image has a new option that allow re-detecting blobs that match the pre-registration blobs automatically.
  • Template - Interactive Match and Transform action now supports all transform types including custom transform plugins.
  • Template Object Table has a Show Selected Only option. When the option is selected, only selected template object(s) will be displayed.
Improved Support of Project Workspace Path
  • Image app now has a new workspace mode if invoked from Project app. When Project launches an Image window instance with an open project, it will set the Image window instance to use default paths of the project for import, open, configuration, template, and report functions.
Other New Improvements
  • The software now automatically detects the missing MSFileReader dependency and notifies users when importing Thermo Raw files.
  • Investigator now shows the path of the open analysis file in its window title.