Maintenance Package 2.7R2.2 Now Available

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Maintenance Package 2.7R2.2 Now Available

Post by qtao »

GC Image and LC Image Version 2.7R2.2 include critical bug fixes and improvements over previous 2.7 releases.

  • New option for exporting the filtered feature template based on user selection from Investigator.
  • Better auto SIC color map that detects the user-specified value mapping with 0 Min and ignores negative regions.
  • New support for non-blocking plugins that can interact with other parts of the program.
Bug Fixes:
  • Save Image saved SIC's color map instead of TIC's sometimes when a SIC was open.
  • Phase shift of the open chromatogram was changed when Processing > Arithmetic Operations or View > Compare Images with another chromatogram that has a different phase shift.
  • Import and Merge multiple ChemStation CH files set wrong modulation and run time.
  • Import and Merge Cut-by-Cut with interpolation resulted in a wrong 2d chromatogram.
  • Import Image with Interpolation and Auto Resampling sometimes changed a sampling rate that already results in integer Column II size unnecessarily.
  • Failed to bring the correct MS View that was already opened for the selected spectrum sometimes.
  • Blob Table and other tables showed empty table headers and exceptions when using WebEx meeting or switching the Windows theme.
  • Wrong view mode was set on the toolbar sometimes when performing template operations with multiple SIC views.
  • Load a new template by Overwrite still showed the old selected template.
  • Selection and zoom rectangles were drawn with missing corners on the Image View first time.
  • Edit Blobs failed to open if the displayed chromatogram is smaller than the Edit window.
  • Trying to enter an invalid General Formula sometimes caused an uncaught exception.
  • A black SIC was shown if the SIC window is tiny.
  • Clustering wrap-around blobs caused exceptions.
  • Performing Edit > Cut Metadata and then Undo would undo the previous action as well.
  • Image Attributes - Variable Modulation table showed 0 duration for 1D section.
  • Project - Process Runs did not honor Resampling options for Interpolation.
  • Project - Underscores in Vial names caused Registering Images to fail.
  • Investigator - Save Analysis failed to overwrite an empty or corrupted GCA folder.
  • Investigator failed to retain settings on Reload All or switching selection if there is no blob-type compound.
  • Investigator - Class colors were not consistent when switching between chart configurations.
  • Investigator - Summary couldn't select or show tooltip on bubbles without a class label in the bubble chart.
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