GC IMAGE - User Guide 2024R2

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about GC Image. The answers are linked below.

If you have questions about GC Image not listed on this page, please forward them to us.

Questions about GC Image.

Questions about installing, starting, exiting, and uninstalling GC Image.

Questions about input and output of chromatogram files in GC Image.

Questions about input of raw data files from Agilent OpenLab CDS.

Questions about viewing chromatogram images in Image.

Questions about colorizing chromatogram images in Image.

Questions about image data visualization tools in Image.

Questions about graphics in Image.

Questions about text and chemical structure annotations in Image.

Questions about image processing in Image.

Questions about blob detection in Image.

Questions about blob statistics and metadata in Image.

Questions about spectral data in Image.

Questions about chemical identification in Image.

Questions about configuration files and operations journals.

Questions about project management and reporting in Project.

Questions about project files and directories in Project.

Questions about vials in Project.

Questions about runs in Project.

Questions about processing files in Project.

Questions about processed images in Project.

Questions about the hierarchical overview in Project.

Questions about batches in Project.

Questions about reports in Project.

Questions about High Resolution MS in Image.


GC Image™ User Guide © 2001–2024 by GC Image, LLC, and the University of Nebraska.